Players do the math on Destiny 2's new transmog system and the grind is even worse than expected | PC Gamer - haltertrachattee1941
Players do the math on Destiny 2's new transmog system and the grind is even worse than expected

To understate things substantially, Destiny 2 players did not react entirely well when Bungie unveiled the new transmog system—"armor synthesis" in the game's lingo—last month. As described, information technology appeared improbably confusing and toil-heavy, and seemed organized primarily to funnel players to the Eververse Store, where they could avoid all the grind and guffola by simply spending money.
Now the scheme is live, and it's someway even worse than anticipated. It's puzzling and grindy, yes, but there likewise appears to be a hard timegate on the plac at which the base armour deductive reasoning resource can be earned, which means players must drop a solid 4-5 hours of gameplay scarce to earn a bounty, which also involves a solid nerd, afterwards which you can finally transmog a unary old piece of gear (which you have course already earned antecedently).
The full process works equivalent this: Players essential collect 150 pieces of "Synthstrand," earned by killing enemies anyplace in the courageous, which give notice and then be changed for class-specific armor synthetic thinking bounties. Completed bounties award "Synthcord," which crapper then Be converted to "Synthweave," which is the stuff that's accustomed convert armor pieces in your aggregation to a Universal Armor Ornament. That's what actually enables Guardians to play dressup without worrying about taking a hit to their stats.
It's knotty, yes, but the real problem is this: Redditor alonie-homie has discovered that Synthstrand, the resource that underpins the uncastrated process, does non drop founded on the number of enemies you stamp out, but is in fact based entirely along time exhausted in scrap, at a rank of roughly one piece every two minutes. You need 150 pieces ready to purchase a bounty, which way it's going to take a ballpark of 300 minutes—that's five freakin' hours—to owed. But await!
You'Re not through yet, because nowadays you have to go complete the bounty in order to earn the reward, which could be a milk run or a major pain the ass—you won't roll in the hay until you've spent your Synthstrand to get it. Our intrepid/masochistic Destiny 2-loving editor in chief Tim Mark Wayne Clark is currently the proud owner of a Synthstrand premium that involves having to kill 40 Champions in Nightfall work stoppage missions. Atomic number 2's stressful not to cry.
Another redditor, 13igB, extended the math advance to figure out that information technology will take pass-hard players more than 53 hours to hit the seasonal Synthweave detonator of 10 (which is laughable in one's own right) on a single character, or six days and 16 hours for 3—one for apiece class, which is how just about seriously players roam. To be clear, that's effectively a week of solid play time, and dicking around in the Tower doesn't count.
YouTuber Houndish makes the smashing point that all of this is simply to unlock the ability to use visuals from equipment that players have already attained or purchased—there's zip new flexible here.
Naturally, if you'd sort o fend off each of that, you can purchase Synthweave Templates in the Eververse Store: A bunch up of five goes for 1000 Silver, which will set you back $10 in genuine money.
I father't begrudge Bungie's efforts at making money and I suspect most Circumstances 2 players feel the same. The real problem here is that the system is so overtly designed to drive people to drop money, and non just in the visible mechanism but in hidden systems intended to impede player progress. On that point's even an ad for Synthweave in the Eververse Store that pops upfield after the intro quest is consummated.
It comes off as non vindicatory avaricious, but sneaky, specially when other MMOs offer transmog as a calibre of life feature quite than an extension of the in-halt saving. Yes they also charge monthly fees, only what is the season pass if non a slightly more spread stunned subscription?
And Bungie should know better: In 2017, not long after Fate 2 launched, players realized that it was throttling XP rewards for power-grinders. Bungie recognized that Destiny 2 was in fact scaling XP based on activities, and past switched the system off. Whether it bequeath do the same with Lot 2's transmog system remains to embody seen, but I'll be very surprised if we don't see some separate of adjustments ready-made in fairly momentaneous order.
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