
How To Use Item Ids In Minecraft

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Note: Add examples for /detail change

Manipulate or re-create items in the inventories of blocks (breast, furnaces, etc.) or entities (players or mobs).

Syntax [ ]

particular modify (block <pos>|entity <targets>) <slot> <modifier>
Modifies the items in the specified slot with the specified modifier.
particular replace (block <pos>|entity <targets>) <slot> with <item> [<count>]
Replaces the items in the specified slot with the specified items.
item supercede (cake <pos>|entity <targets>) <slot> from (block <sourcePos>|entity <sourceTarget>) <sourceSlot> [<modifier>]
Copies the source items to the target slot and optionally modifies it with the modifier.

Syntax displayed in various ways

Arguments [ ]

<pos>: block_pos

Specifies the position of the block to be modified.
Information technology must be a block position equanimous of <x>, <y> and <z>, each of which must be an integer or a tilde and caret notation.

<targets>: entity

Specifies one or more entities to modify.
Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID.

<slot>: item_slot

Specifies the inventory slot to be modified. Valid values depend on whether a block or an entity is beingness modified.
Must be a string annotation that refer to certain slots in the inventory, which consists of "slot type" and optional "slot number", in the format of <slot_type> or <slot_type>.<slot_number>. Run across Slot for details.

<modifier>: resource_location

Specifies the item modifier to apply on the chosen item.
Must be a resources location.

<item>: item_stack

Specifies the detail to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot.
It must be in course of item_id{data_tags}(accepts item and block tags), in which data tags tin can be omitted when they are non needed.

<count>: integer

Specifies the number of items to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot.
Must be a 32-fleck integer number. And it must be between i and 64 (inclusive).

<sourcePos>: block_pos

Specifies the position of the block to copy items from.
Information technology must be a block position composed of <ten>, <y> and <z>, each of which must exist an integer or a tilde and caret annotation.

<sourceTarget>: entity

Specifies an entity to re-create items from.
Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID.

<sourceSlot>: item_slot

Specifies the inventory slot to copy the items from. Valid values depend on whether the source is cake or an entity. Run across <slot> argument to a higher place for more than information.

Result [ ]

Command Trigger Java Edition
whatever the arguments are non specified correctly Unparseable
/item modify ...
/detail ... from ...
the specified <modifier> doesn't be Failed
/item change block ...
/item replace block ...
<pos> is unloaded or out of the world
the block at the <pos> is not a container
the block at the <pos> does not accept the specified slot
/item change entity ...
/item replace entity ...
<targets> fails to resolve to one or more than entities (named actor must be online)
All selected entities meet 1 or more of the post-obit conditions:
  • It doesn't have the specified slot (for case, zombies have no horse.armor)
  • Specified item cannot exist placed into the specified slot of its (for example, to place a rock into armor.chest of a thespian)
/... with <item> <count> <count> exceeds the stack limit of the specified item
/... from block ... <sourcePos> is unloaded or out of the world
the cake at <sourcePos> is not a container
the block at <sourcePos> does not have the specified slot
/... from entity ... <sourceTarget> fails to resolve to a single entity (named player must be online)
the <sourceTarget> doesn't have the specified slot (for example, zombies have no equus caballus.armor)
whatsoever On success Manipulate items in the specified slot.

Output [ ]

Command Edition State of affairs Success Count /execute store success ... /execute shop outcome ...
any Java Edition On fail 0 0 0
/item (modify|replace) block ... On success one one 1
/item (alter|replace) entity ... On success 1 1 the number of entities whose items are successfully replaced

Examples [ ]

  • To supercede the items in the bottom-correct slot of a single chest 2 block above with 4 spruce saplings:
    • /detail supersede cake ~ ~2 ~ container.26 with minecraft:spruce_sapling iv
  • To replace the items in the rightmost hotbar slot of the nearest player with four spruce saplings:
    • /detail replace entity @p hotbar.eight with minecraft:spruce_sapling 4
  • To supervene upon the detail in the offhand of the selected player with the detail in their primary hand:
    • /detail replace entity @due south weapon.offhand from entity @s weapon.mainhand
  • To put a brown banner on a player's head
    • /particular replace entity @south armor.head with minecraft:brown_banner
  • To increase the count of the item in your main hand:
    • /item modify entity @s weapon.mainhand case:increase_count
    • file in a datapack: data/example/item_modifiers/increase_count.json
                                                      {                        "function"                        :                        "minecraft:set_count"                        ,                        "count"                        :                        1                        ,                        "add"                        :                        true                        }                      

History [ ]

Java Edition
1.17 20w46a Added /item, replacing /replaceitem.
21w19a Syntax of /particular has been inverse.

Run into also [ ]

  • /data — can also replace items in a container'south or mob's inventory, or modify the drop chances of armor and weapons
  • /give — give items to players without specifying specific inventory slots or overwriting other items
  • /replaceitem — The Bedrock Edition equivalent

How To Use Item Ids In Minecraft,


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