
Which Of The Following Students Is Most Likely To Display An Analytical Learning Style?


Dwelling house/Index

Interpretive Materials

Pair-wise Analysis of each of the Four Cognitive Fashion Dimensions

Blazon Dimension Comparison

Effects of Each Preference in Work Situations

The Factor Combinations that Nigh Touch School Life (EN, ES, IN, IS)

The Combinations that Most Bear upon How We See Things

Learning Profiles of each of the Iv Academic Types � IS, IN, ES, EN

Effective Teaching across Type Dimensions

Leadership and Cerebral Mode

Type and Careers: Occupational Trends of the 16 Types

Learning Style and Blazon Dimension Research

Related to Student Characteristics in Counseling Situations

Four Types and Writing Fashion

Classroom Management Tendencies of each Teaching Style

The Four Learning Style Factors - PDF

Interpreting your score : When you lot totaled your choices on the score canvas, the total of a�due south and b�s in each column should take indicated a preference on each of these 4 factors of your learning manner. For example, if in the first column you selected more than a�southward than b�due south, that would have indicated that you would more than likely show an E or Extrovert preference rather than an I or Introverted preference. However, if you lot had a tie, half dozen a�s and six b�southward, or a 7-half dozen score, it is helpful to examine each listing of characteristics for the columns below to determine whether one of the factors is more �like you� than the other. Most people�s �truthful� preference falls more into i column than the other, but being in the heart is possible.

E XTROVERT ( ≈ 46% of males, 52% of females)

learns best from doing

is more at ease and confident socially

likes to know how others are doing it

gets energized from socializing

readily volunteers and offers opinions

ideas start from the outside in

I NTROVERT ( ≈ 54% of males, 48% females)

likes to scout before doing

prefers working alone or with one other

sets ain standards when possible

likes quiet space to piece of work

seems "deep" and hard to understand

ideas start from inside out

S ENSATE ( ≈ 75% of females, 70% of males)

is more realistic and applied

is more patient and steady

uses his/her experience and common sense

likes routines and order

looks more for what is actual and sensible

lives in the hither and now

INTUITIVE ( ≈ 25% of females, xxx% of males)

is more imaginative and abstract

likes new challenge, works in spurts

trusts what makes sense to her/him

dislikes routine and particular piece of work

looks more than for what is possible

lives toward her/his vision of the future

F EELER ( ≈ seventy% of females: 45% of males)

is more interested in people than ideas

focuses more on personal relationships

likes harmony dislikes disharmonize

is tuned in to others' feelings

is warm and arouses enthusiasm

makes decisions based on his/her heart

T HINKER ( ≈ 55% of males: thirty% of females)

is more interested in fascinating ideas

wants things to be fair and reasonable

stands-up for what he/she thinks

is tuned in to logical consistency

is cool-headed and impartial in disharmonize

makes decisions based on rational idea

J UDGER ( ≈ 55% of population)

is more decisive than curious

likes planned and scheduled activities

has very set opinions

feels skilful when things are completed

likes order and organization

may make decisions besides quickly

P ERCEIVER ( ≈ 45% of population)

is more curious than decisive

likes the spontaneous and unplanned

is flexible, adjustable, and tolerant

like to keep options open

seeks more to empathise than manage things

may accept trouble making up her/his mind


The combination of your four preferences makes up your four factor �learning style.� Taking the underlined letters from the gene titles in a higher place, y'all will obtain one of the 16 possible learning way combinations (i.e., ENTJ, ISFP, ESTP, or INFJ). Remember at that place are no better or more important styles. Those who prefer to piece of work out of each side of the four factors are needed to make things work.

The more than your score savage on one side of the column than the other, the more yous volition likely show a greater condolement working in that manner. While we all accept the power to work in either way, understanding the modes that are the most comfortable for you volition assist you learn to be more than successful and capeesh your unique gifts. You can learn more about how your preferences affect your style of learning, living and acting in the post-obit pages.

Style Dimension Comparing - PDF



Withdrawing to peace

�� Free energy from . . .

Immersion into activity

Watching first

�� Learn from . . .

Doing showtime

Look to be approached


Initiate the interaction

Serial ofi-on-ones


In groups

Externally reserved


Shows what�s going on






Applied reality


Socially synthetic

Respect for what is


Imagine what could exist


Fourth dimension orientation



������ comes from . . .


What works

Data for tasks

What makes sense




Basic Value



Looking at things


More often than not resist it

Approach to Conflict

Can do information technology casually

Warm and readable

Touch on

Cool and reserved

Praise and encouragement


Achievement/Goal attainment




Decision Fashion

Open up-minded


Approach to information



Cognitive Pattern


Clock time is valid




Comfort in tasks

Getting Started

Effects of Each Preference In Work Situations � PDF


Like diversity and activity

Are often practiced at greeting people

Are sometimes impatient with long wearisome jobs

Are interested in how others do their jobs

Often enjoy talking on the phone

Like to take people effectually in the working environs

May prefer to communicate past talking rather than writing

Like to larn a new task by talking it through with someone


Like serenity for concentration

Have trouble remembering names and faces

Can piece of work on one project for a long time

Are interested in the idea backside the jobs.

Dislike telephone interruptions
Often human activity quickly, sometimes without thinking

Work alone contentedly

Think earlier they act, sometimes without acting

May prefer communications to exist in writing

Sensing types

Are aware of the uniqueness of each issue

Focus on what works at present

Like an established way of doing things

Relish applying what they take already learned

Work steadily, with a realistic idea of how long it will take

Usually achieve a conclusion stride by step

Are not oftentimes inspired, and may not trust the inspiration
��� when they are

Are careful about the facts

May be expert at precise work

Can oversimplify a task

Accept current reality every bit a given to piece of work with

Intuitive types

Are aware of new challenges and possibilities

Focus on how things could be improved

Dislike doing the aforementioned thing repeatedly

Enjoy learning new skills

Work in bursts of energy powered by enthusiasm, with slack
��� periods in betwixt

May leap to a conclusion speedily

Follow their inspirations and hunches

May get their facts a chip wrong

Dislike taking time for precision

Tin �overcomplexify� a task

Ask why things are as they are

Thinking types

Are practiced at putting things in logical guild

Answer more than to people�southward ideas than their feelings

Conceptualize or predict logical outcomes of choices

Need to be treated fairly

Tend to be firm and tough-minded

Are able to reprimand or fire people when necessary

May hurt people�south feelings without knowing information technology

Have a talent for analyzing a problem or situation

Feeling types

Similar harmony and will work to make it happen

Reply to people�s values equally much every bit to their thoughts

Are good at seeing the effects of choices on people

Need occasional praise Tend to be sympathetic

Dislike telling people unpleasant things

Enjoy pleasing people

Have an interest in the person behind the job or idea

Judging types

Work best when they tin can programme their piece of work and follow the program

Like to get things settled and finished

May decide things likewise speedily

May dislike interrupting one project for a more urgent one����

May start as well many projects, having difficulty in finishing them

Tend to be satisfied once they reach a judgment on a thing,
���� situation, or person

Want only the essentials needed to begin their piece of work

Schedule projects then that each pace gets done on time

Use lists as agendas for action

Perceptive types

Do non mind leaving things open for last-infinitesimal changes

Conform well to changing situations

May have trouble making decisions

May postpone unpleasant jobs

Desire to know all about a new job

Become a lot accomplished at the concluding minute under deadline
��� pressure

Utilize lists as reminders of all the things they accept to practice

From: A Guide To the Development and Apply of the Myers Briggs Blazon Indicator (1998).

The Factor Combinations that Most Affect School Life � PDF

The two factors that almost bear on how one acts and learns in schoolhouse are those of introversion/extroversion and sensation/intuition. Introverts may exist more cogitating while extroverts may exist more outgoing. Practical skills may come more than easily to sensates, while intuitives may be more comfortable with imagination. The key to bookish and social success is to get to know your learning style and your comfort areas and then employ those strengths to piece of work on your less adult areas. The chart below shows the four possible combinations.

Extroverts (E)

Introverts (I)

Sensates (S)

ESsAction oriented realists( ≈ 36%)

This type loves action and things happening.They like to get practical results from their piece of work, and like to work in groups. For them too much watching is a waste of time, they want to do. They like to share what they are doing and thinking. They get impatient when things are as well tiresome, complicated, or abstract.

ISsThoughtful realists( ≈ 36%)

This type is the well-nigh careful and steady. They don't mind working alone or with one other. They similar applied results and are expert with details, and technical things. They are often the least expressive; they come across much but usually share little. They don't like careless ideas, plans, or too many new things at once.

Intuitives (N)

ENsAction oriented innovators( ≈ xvi%)

This type is really motivated and likes to make things happen. They like to work in groups on new and interesting things. They similar to take their theories and apply them with others. They share easily, specially what'due south inside. They don't like details, routines, or the same onetime thing for too long.

INsThoughtful innovators( ≈ 12%)

This type is the all-time at solving problems. They like to work at their own pace on their own ideas. They like to make artistic and scientific things. They would rather express themselves through their thoughts, instead of socializing with lots of others. They don't like doing busy work or things that don't make sense.

The Combinations that Virtually Affect How Nosotros See Things

When sensation is combined with the last (J/P) category, and intuition is combined with the third (T/F) category, four combinations are created that are often chosen the four temperaments types. When looking at a problem each of the iv types may see information technology, and approach solving information technology, very differently. But for a squad to be nearly successful it needs to incorporate the ideas and perspectives of each of these 4 learning styles.


SPsSensible, Adaptable, Agile types( ≈ xxx%)

When sensate qualities are combined with perceiver qualities the result is usually someone very tuned in to the here and now. They like doing and playing today, and not existence too worried near tomorrow. They are the most spontaneous and piece of cake-going. They like to get involved in new and interesting activities. School tin exist boring for the SP, if it is means sitting notwithstanding and doing all written work, but information technology can be fun too, because that'southward frequently where the action is.

SJsSensible, Controlling types( ≈ twoscore%)

When sensate qualities are combined with judging qualities the result is usually someone who is very dependable and responsible. The SJ is very service-oriented and are skilful "team players.� They most like situations that are spelled-out and well organized. SJs similar institutions similar schoolhouse, teams, church and family. They usually don't mind pace-by-pace work, and they like and practise well in school (partly considering most teachers are SJs themselves).


NFsEnthusiastic, Insightful types( ≈ twenty%)

When intuition is combined with feeling qualities the result is someone who is very good with people and language. The NF is usually very enthusiastic and warm. They are very oriented toward cooperative things, and away from competitive things. They usually accept very strong feelings virtually things and people, they really like them or really don't. NFs are very personal types, and thrive in supportive, creative, and harmonious situations.

NTsLogical, Ingenious types( ≈ 10%)

When intuition is combined with a thinking style the result is someone who e'er needs to know "why?� NTs are less interested in how things have been done, and more than interested in how they can meliorate and change them. They are very imaginative, and are very comfortable in the "earth of ideas.� They similar to be skillful at things, and always want to be learning. They tin announced unemotional, and can be defendant of having an "attitude," which is commonly not the instance.

Learning Profiles of each of the Four Academic Types � IS, IN, ES, EN

Extroverts (E)

Introverts (I)

Sensates (S)

ESsAction-Oriented Realists( ≈ 36%)

Let me piece of work with my easily and create something practical. Some people may call me a �kinesthetic� learner, but I would rather telephone call myself a �doer.� I like to be part of a squad and see practical results from my/our work. I take a strong need to contribute and exist recognized. Don�t just explain how to practice something to me, at least show me, and better even so, permit me try it out. I larn from doing and then reflecting on what I have done. If you want me to sympathise an abstraction let me observe it inductively, or I can have a difficult fourth dimension integrating it into a big picture understanding. Written directions can be actually helpful to me. If yous wait me to continually sit down and listen to a lecture and so do well on a test later on, I will likely disappoint you much of the time .

ISsThoughtful Realists( ≈ 36%)

Let me work independently on tasks that are clearly spelled out. Let me work with facts and information and I will be able to utilise my power of insightful realism to come to sound well idea-out conclusions. Give me a chance to be careful and thoughtful. I will be your most undecayed and steady student if yous give me piece of work where the directions are clear and the desired result is understood beforehand. Requite me recognition for my intendance and persistence since those are my strengths and I may not draw as much attention to myself as some of the other students. When you give vague careless directions or just wait me to �be artistic� with no guidelines, I volition probable experience some uneasiness and maybe even some resentment.

Intuitives (Due north)

ENsAction-Oriented Innovators( ≈ 16%)

Permit me work in situations where I tin use my communications skills in my learning. If I am working in a group where at that place are chances to be creative, I can go really motivated. I am a much better student when I am �into the job� every bit opposed to when I am �not into the chore.� I like to exist inspired and encounter the purpose behind the work. I have an expressive energy that comes out when I am comfortable, and it helps me describe out my creativity and make connections beyond content. Talking, discussing, function-playing, debating are natural ways for me to tap that free energy source. Peer tutoring a subject that I am good at is one of my favorite things to do. Projects where I tin can solve issues and draw free energy from working with others and overcoming challenges are too areas where I feel very confident. When there are as well many details, routines, lectures or the same old thing all the time, I may turn my artistic energies into behavior that yous may not like .

INsThoughtful Innovators( ≈ 12%)

Let me work in situations where I tin come up upward with my own ideas whenever possible. I don�t have as much trouble as some of the other students in beingness creative. I am oftentimes surprised when I see that I sometimes come across deeper realities that other students miss. I like to come with stories, draw pictures, or think of new means of doing something. Some people call me a �visual learner� but I just experience more than comfortable studying something for a while and understanding how it works before I try to do it or talk nigh information technology. I volition exist the last to volunteer usually, but I will work to main it long after the other students have moved on to something else. I need to be able make connections with the current field of study and the previous subjects, so let me know the purpose behind what we are doing earlier you tell me what to exercise. If you enquire me to do work that is pointless, inconsistent, or irrelevant then you volition probably see me become at least a bit contemptuous and/or irreverent.

Effective Teaching across Blazon Dimensions

Introverts pedagogy Extroverts

Extroverts educational activity Introverts

Employ grouping work and cooperative learning

Apply await time with questioning

Provide time for motion

Value expression

Provide individual tasks

Call on all students regularly

Provide written venues for thinking

Value reflection

Sensates instruction Intuitives

Intuitives teaching Sensates

Provide opportunities for inventiveness

Requite students the �large picture� of their piece of work

Use concept attainment and problem-based strategies on occasion

Teach inductively on occasion

Don�t overemphasize the details

Provide easily on activities

Give articulate step-by-pace directions

Explain the applied awarding to work

Avoid long abstract or theoretical lectures

Value the quality of students work

Thinkers instruction Feelers

Feelers education Thinkers

Think to evidence your warm feelings

Avert excessive conflict in your teaching style

Include praise in your feedback

Avert being too disquisitional

Express your joy or pleasure whenever possible

Value feeling in written work

Practice not rely also heavily on praise

Requite concrete feedback

Attempt to accept some caste of healthy conflict

Be consistent in your awarding of principles

Don�t exist afraid to give honest feedback/critique

Value logic in written work

Judgers teaching Perceivers

Perceivers teaching Judgers

Permit for some flexibility in consignment format

Use variety

Provide clear written consignment guidelines

Allow for flexible time frames for completion

Value novelty and open-mindedness

Provide clear written consignment guidelines

Fix students for changes in plans

Effort to keep to the agreed upon schedule

Provide some routine in the twenty-four hour period

Value accurateness and punctuality

In general:Teachers who are enlightened of their own fashion and those of their students will exist more successful with more types of students. Teachers who provide a challenging meaningful curriculum, a safe and communal classroom climate, and articulate assessments, using well-designed rubrics, volition exist more successful with all students. Educational activity to a variety of modalities or styles may exist the improve approach than trying to individualize instruction, peculiarly at the secondary level.

Leadership and Cognitive Style (expanded exercises) (exercises PDF)

Understanding your cerebral style tin can be very useful in developing your leadership fashion. Information technology may be helpful to use the conceptual framework illustrated in the diagram below to assistance you lot in exploring effective leadership behavior within the dimensions of cerebral preference.

Vision,My Style
Shared Values

This diagram depicts the 3 critical and interrelated dimensions of constructive leadership. First, a good leader needs to be able to develop and communicate a collective vision for the group as it moves toward its goals. Next, a leader needs to exist able to make decisions based on practiced information and the will of the grouping. Finally, an effective leader is one who understands that no event will last unless it is grounded in shared values and has loftier levels of group ownership. It may be helpful to breakdown each of these areas of leadership within the cognitive dimensions that near define them. For example, the way one conceives a vision seems to be well-nigh dependent on a combination of the first two dimensions (Eastward/I and South/N), shared values would be the center two (S/N and T/F), and decisions would be the last two (T/F and J/P).

The following exercise may helpful in the evolution of your leadership abilities. Commencement, consider how the other type combinations are about comfy operating in each of the 3 areas, and and so use the set up of guiding questions to help yous develop a more well-rounded approach to leading.

For each of the 4 type combinations, VISION is typically based in:

ES � shared action and experience

IS � tasks and accomplishments

EN � shared principles and activeness

IN � an internal interpretation of the big picture show

If I were to have whatsoever of the other styles, what would be my approach to developing and communicating a vision for the grouping? What can I learn from the other approaches? What would be the various needs of the other members of my group when information technology came to feeling as though group action was a reflection of a commonage emergent vision?

For each of the four type combinations, the priority VALUES are typically:

SF � people�due south feelings and getting applied needs met

ST � consistency and practical realities

NF � meaningful outcomes and emotional harmony

NT � logical consistency and relevancy

If I were to accept any of the other styles, what would exist the values I would use to assess if the group was functioning well? If I ignored these other ways of thinking, what important values might I be neglecting? Given the other types, what needs must I address to make the group members comfortable in the procedure?

For each of the 4 type combinations, the typical Decision-Making style will look similar this:

FP - flexible given the needs of people

FJ � principle-driven based on how things affect people

TP � logical but open to change

TJ � decisive and objective

If I were to have whatsoever of the other styles, what would I demand to feel comfortable with whatsoever determination? If I am a very decisive �judger,� what can I larn from the more measured and/or open up-minded group members? If I have a strong �perceiving� preference, what could be accomplished by occasionally making decisions without complete balls? As a feeler, am I willing to take the need for logical outcomes? As a �thinker,� am I willing consider the human needs fifty-fifty if they feel less objective?

Learning Style and Careers: Occupational Trends of the xvi Types � PDF




Law Enforcement


Or any other occupations where they tin use their experience, attention to particular and dedication to organizational goals to achieve practical tasks.


Educational activity

Health Care

Religious Settings

Or any other occupations where they can use their experience and/or their understanding of organizational standards to aid others and support the �team.�







Or whatever other occupations where they can facilitate the emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of others and/or express their ideas in writing and plans.


Scientific discipline


Police force


Or whatsoever other occupations where they tin can use their intellectual creativity to create plans and schemes and/or their ease with applied science to solve issues.


Skilled Trades

Technical Fields



Armed forces

Or any other occupations where they can use their practical expertise to solve technical problems and/or procedure information finer.


Wellness Intendance


Law Enforcement

Or whatsoever other occupations where use their attending to detail in a service-oriented field.





Or any other occupations where they tin use their creativity in independent ways and/or where they experience the freedom to grow.



Technical Fields



Or any other occupations where they can use their analytical ability in independent ways to solve problems, invent and observe.



Skilled Trades


Law Enforcement

Applied Technology

Or any other occupations where they can utilize their �doer� nature to find technical solutions and brand sure practical work is carried out successfully.


Health Care


Skilled Trades


Public Relations

Or whatever other occupations where they tin can utilise their outgoing nature and people skills to help people with their practical needs.






Public Relations

Or any other occupations where they tin utilise their energy and people skills to motivate and aid groups and individuals grow and/or work together better.







Or any other occupations where they can use their analytical skills and multiple talents to help groups function more effectively and solve new challenges.




Constabulary Enforcement

Or any other occupations where they tin utilise their organizational and leadership skills to help others execute the task in the almost efficient manner.



Health Care


Or whatsoever other occupations where they can employ their instinct for teaching and care for others with a primary focus on applied needs and creating harmonious organizations.




Social Work


Or any other occupations where they can use their people skills and enthusiasm to help others grow, brand meaning and understand the big picture.



Police force



Or any other occupations where they can use their natural leadership skills and analytical ability to assist organize and align the energy needed to become collective tasks done.

Learning Mode and Type Dimension Inquiry Related to Student Characteristics in Counseling Situations � PDF

4 Jungian Dimension Comparisons

Combinations of Note


Instinct for privacy

Intra-personal sensitivity


Instinct for expression

Interpersonal sensitivity

It- most self-contained, least expressive

ES- most expressive.

EF- most brilliant memory of experience.

IN- most reflective


Present focus

Speak in real/applied terms

Oft distrustful of therapy

Less likely to see value of psychology

Lower representation in mental health system


Futurity focus

Often speak in impressions

Often uncomfortably complex

More than probable to come across value of psychology

Loftier representation in all areas of mental health sys.

SJ- high grouping affiliation

ESTJ- high achievement west/in organisation.

NP- high inventiveness

SJ- nigh teachers,

NP- least conventional

���� Telling about an event :

SF- what the people did

ST- accurate order of events

NF- how information technology felt in full general

NT- patterns and nutshells


Cool affect

Comfortable due west/analytical realm

Announced cocky-independent

Use thoughts to encounter needs


Demand to promote harmony

Comfortable in affective realm

Announced outgoing & accepting

Apply feelings to meet needs

NF- most counselors

TJ- rigid thinking

NT- well-nigh research scientists

INT- almost belittling

ET- most believing

IF- least assertive

INT-well-nigh academic success

IT- dates the least

EF- dates the most

IT- to the lowest degree group affiliated.


Sensation of convention

Higher grades

May trust piece of cake or quick �fix�


Adventure/pleasure seeking

College test scores

May mistrust �easy� solution

EFJ- harmonizers

ESP- most driblet-outs �academics

ESP- to the lowest degree analytical

IJ- nigh cocky-directed

EP- almost attuned to environment

SJ- least probable to seek counseling

NP- most decumbent to fantasy

By John Shindler, Feb 2007 (adjusted in role from inquiry in Manual: A guide to the evolution and apply of the
Myers-Briggs Blazon Indicator. 1992)


Four Types and Writing Way � PDF

The four writing styles presented here are typical of 4 basic approaches to narrative: the Scientific, the Theoretical, the Mythic, and the Phenomenological. Virtually of the students� writing, to some caste or another, fall into these four basic categories .


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